ELEM: Technology Classes Update
Technology Updates
5-6 Years Old: Our youngest learners are developing their mouse movement and control skills, a fundamental step in navigating technology. Alongside this, they are exploring the differences between tasks they can accomplish in real life versus those they can perform on digital devices. These activities help them build foundational tech literacy while fostering critical thinking about the role of technology in everyday life.
7 Years Old: The 7-year-olds are delving into media literacy by learning that not everything they see on the internet is true. To bring this concept to life, they created their first transition videos. This hands-on activity not only enhanced their creativity but also provided a practical understanding of how digital media can be edited and manipulated.
9-10 Years Old: As part of the Digital Citizenship unit, the 9- and 10-year-olds worked on an important project where they created short videos demonstrating the risks of the online world and the benefits of spending time offline. This project encouraged them to reflect on their digital habits and gain awareness of online safety while honing their video production skills.
9 Years Old (STEM Project): To close out the year 2024, the 9-year-olds engaged in a festive STEM project by creating holiday-themed paper circuits. Using copper tape, batteries, and LED lights, they designed creative cards that lit up, merging art with engineering concepts. This activity not only celebrated the holiday spirit but also introduced them to basic circuitry and hands-on problem-solving.