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Message from Mr. Tempel 1/17

Message from Mr. Tempel 1/17

Greetings Middle School and Secondary Families and Students! 

Here is what's happening with our Middle School and Secondary students:

Happy New Year! I hope all of you enjoyed a well-deserved break with your families! 



Quintile 2 Ended - Monday, 6 January

Quintile 3 Began - Tuesday, 7 January

Mid-year switch - 30 January

  • Classes that will switch:
    • 12/13 yo Drama and Art
    • Economics will switch to Government


CEESA Events:

This week:

MUN - Prague, Czechia - 22 January - 26 January


CEESA Secondary Knowledge Bowl - TIS Hosting - 31 January - 1 February

CEESA MS Choir - Prague, Czechia - 5 February - 9 February

CEESA Secondary Robotics - Budapest, Hungary - 6 February - 9 February

CEESA MS Math Counts - Bucharest, Romania - 6 February - 9 February

CEESA MS Boys Basketball - Belgrade, Serbia - 27 February - 2 March

CEESA MS Girls Basketball - Baku, Azerbaijan - 26 February - 2 March


Any students traveling for CEESA need to make up any missed work. Students need to be caught up with their work before traveling so not to get further behind. All traveling students should communicate with their teachers before they leave on their trip.


MAP - Winter Testing Window:

The Winter testing window for NWEA MAP will be from 13 January - 14 February. Here are the students who will be testing:

  • Any students in IE Reading/Writing, or IE Support
  • Any students enrolled in Ms. Adelgren or Mr. Ehrler's Math 12 classes.
  • Other students recommended by teachers in order to collect mid-year data.

If your student is testing to collect more data, they will be pulled out individually. IE and Math 12 students will test during class. 


We are still seeing many students arriving after 8:00am in the morning. I will be sending emails home soon to those who have multiple tardies to school or multiple absences.

Please work with us to get your students to school by 7:50 so they have time to arrive to class prior to 8:00am. Thank you! 

Dismissal is at 3:20pm daily (unless you are informed otherwise). 

If your student rides the bus and the bus arrives late, your student will not be counted tardy.


Session 2 has officially began! 

If you student rides the bus, they will be put on a late bus for ASAs. If you student is not a bus rider, but needs a late bus home from ASAs, please contact Blerta Sadiku at


There is much more to follow, but that's all for now.

I am excited for all the wonderful things that are coming in 2025! Thank you so much for your support for our TIS community and your students!

Jeff Tempel 

Middle School/Secondary Director of Instruction 


First page of the PDF file: 24-25At-A-Glance1

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