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Message from Mr. Tempel 4/5

Message from Mr. Tempel 4/5

Greetings Middle School and Secondary Parents and Students! 

Here is what's happening with our Middle School and Secondary students:

SPRING BREAK - 8 April - 12 April 

MS/SEC Coffee Chat:

We will be holding a parent meeting for all Middle School and Secondary parents/families on Thursday, 25 April at 8:15. This will be held at Reception and will be available as a virtual meeting on Zoom for those who cannot come in person. Here are some topics:

  • Ds/Hs and completing courses for the 2023-24 school year
  • Office hours for 2023-24 and 2024-25
  • Scheduling for the 2024-25 school year
  • Week Without Walls
  • End of the year events/timeline
  • Q & A

Lunch Recess Office Hours:

As we get close to the end of Quintile 4, the end of the year is just over one Quintile away! As it is exciting to think about the Summer and the fun events coming at the end of the school year, this also reminds us of the urgency for those who are behind to catch up before time runs out! 

In order to give students more time and incentive to close past units from the 2023-24 school year, we will be opening a short time for office hours every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 11:35-12:00 in the Learning Lab for Secondary students. If a student is behind, a teacher can mandate office hours during the student's recess after lunch. Students will still have lunch from 11:10-11:35, then will have the opportunity to come work on assignments, projects, or to take tests. Mr. Tempel will be supervising these office hours. 

Teachers also have the option to assign lunch recess office hours in their classroom. Not all teachers have this opportunity as many have duties already assigned and they need time to eat their lunch, too. 

If a student is assigned lunch recess office hours, it is the expectation they attend and work quietly. This is for the benefit of the student as any unit not completed this year will have to be completed next year. Full credit cannot be given for a course until all 10 units are completed. 

This opportunity will also be given for Middle School students on Tuesdays from 11:10-11:35, during their lunch recess. 

All students will still be given their lunch break, as time for nourishment is essential for success! 

AP/IB Exams:

The testing season is getting closer and closer as we have now entered April! Below are the dates in which testing begins. More information will be coming out soon regarding specific dates and preparation for testing.

IB Exams begin on 24 April

AP Exams begin on 7 May

Spring MAP Testing:

At the same time as our AP and IB students begin thinking about testing, our 11 yo through Secondary II students will be thinking about the Spring MAP session. The session opens on Monday, 8 April, during our Spring Break. As many teachers like students to have as much time as possible in class prior to this last MAP session of the year, testing will likely take place at the end of April and into May. More information will come out about dates for specific tests as dates are solidified by classroom teachers. 

As a reminder, here is who will be testing:

11 yos:


Language Usage


12 yos:


Language Usage


13 yos:


Language Usage


Literature I and II:


Writing I and II:

Language Usage





We will avoid testing Secondary students who have AP courses until their AP exams are finished. 


CEESA Events for 2024:

Please remember that any time your students go on a CEESA trip, they are responsible for any school work they miss. These trips are an amazing opportunity, but will require some sacrifice on the part of the students as they will have work to make up when they return. 

Upcoming CEESA Events:

Currently Traveling:

MS Strings - Budapest, Hungary - April 3 - 7

Coming Soon:

Middle School Knowledge Bowl - Prague, Czech Republic - April 25 - 28

MS Girls Volleyball - Skopje, North Macedonia - May 10 - 13

HS Girls Volleyball - Helsinki, Finland - May 16 - 19

QSI Knowledge Bowl - Virtual; Hosted at TIS - May 20


Week Without Walls

All students have been confirmed and the trips are planned!

If you have not paid for your student's trip, please do so as soon as possible! I sent out an email to all parents whose students have yet to pay. Please email if you have questions regarding payment.

 We will be talking to those who did not sign up for a traveling trip to see how many are interested in local trips. Once we know who is interested, we can begin planning some great outings with them! 

Week Without Walls will take place the week of 3-7 June. Departure and return times/dates will vary depending on the trip. 

Weekly Teams Updates: 

You may be receiving emails from Microsoft Teams with updates on your student's progress in particular classes. This may depend on how the teacher has set up Teams in their class. Be looking for these emails!

You can also log into your student's Team's account and look at rubrics and check their progress. This is a great way to keep up with what was going on. If you are not sure how to login, ask your student for their login and they can help get you in. 


Quintile 4 began Tuesday, 27 February! This means there are only two more to go! If you notice that your student is not closing units (mastered with a "B" or an "A"), please reach out to the teacher. It's never too late to ask these important questions about your student's progress in any class! It can be very difficult for students to catch up as the year moves along quickly!


Please let me know if you have any questions regarding grading or how to check your student's status report in the Parent Portal. 

Have a wonderful SPRING BREAK! 

There is much more to follow, but that's all for now.

I am excited for all the wonderful things that are happening this school year! Thank you so much for your support for our TIS community and your students!

Jeff Tempel 

Middle School/Secondary Director of Instruction 


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