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MS/SEC: Classes with Mr. Shehu

MS/SEC: Classes with Mr. Shehu

Middle School IE
For the past few weeks, Middle School IE students have been working on reading and analyzing opinion pieces, accurately and fluently using self-monitoring strategies to comprehend independently, as well as identifying facts and opinions from persuasive texts. They have also been writing persuasive letters, revising and editing, as well as correctly using transition words. The other group has been working on explaining how a series of events fit together to provide the overall structure of a story using the plot pyramid and writing a fictional narrative, making use of the writing process. Way to go!

MS and HS Literacy Support
Middle School (MS) literacy support students receive assistance with grammar and writing aspects. They engage in various language arts exercises, like distinguishing between concrete, common, and abstract nouns, and writing fictional narratives, as well as practicing different grammar aspects.
High School (HS) literacy support students focus on their literacy curriculum while also expanding their vocabulary in Mathematics, Science, and Cultural Studies. They also dedicate time to enhancing their reading comprehension abilities.

Cultural Studies 13 with Mr. Shehu
In the past weeks, Cultural Studies students have been exploring the causes and effects of the Renaissance, listing Renaissance achievements in each of these categories: mathematics, astronomy, cartography, and medicine, and explaining how they contributed to future advancements. They have also been studying the spread of the Renaissance beyond Italy and enjoying answering the compelling question, “How would the world be different if the Renaissance never happened?” through a hexagonal thinking project. Currently, they are working on the Protestant and Catholic Reformation and the changes that followed. Way to go!

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