Safety and Security
TIS is secured by our professional security team, which provides security 24/7. The school is gated and supervised all the time with a video camera system and we work closely with the American embassy security office and the Albanian state police as well. Security team is vigilant when students are dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. They assist in the traffic time in order to make these processes smoothly and quickly.
School welcomes visitors during the day and they should have an ID or passport to submit at the security office in the entrance and after that they are provided with a visitor badge to enter inside the building. When they leave they must return the visitor badge and get their ID back.
Emergency Actions: During the year TIS held periodically expected and unexpected drills such as: Fire, Earthquake, Hold in Place, Storm and Bomb threats drills. All these drills are practiced and we follow all the steps as it is a real emergency situation. Teachers and support staff have Emergency Actions Plans guide which instructs them what to do in all this cases.